05. 04. 2012

L’Avant Comptoir – Paris

What to do when a vegan friend (I know I know, it sounds like an oxymoron) comes to visit you in Paris? After enquiring at a few of my favourite establishments whether they cater...

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26. 03. 2012

A La Sweet – Paris

We all know that French Women Don’t Get Fat (now apparently French Children Don’t Throw Food either; when French Husbands Don’t Cheat is released, I will admit that the French are in fact perfect). It is true,...

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21. 03. 2012

Chez L’ami Jean- Paris

I have arrived in Paris, my new home for the next four months, and have spent the last week sipping Sancerre in St Germain, perusing the paintings at Le Petit Palais, studying Stendhal by...

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