08. 10. 2013

Mexi&Co – Paris

My liver has had it rough lately –  one too many nights out this month has led to Dolly Tatin and Paris Stilton unwittingly becoming Lady Lager and Penelope Booze. If it continues this...

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04. 04. 2013

Bistrot Paul Bert – Paris

When I first arrived in Paris, during a debaucherous weekend of eating and drinking (which was to set the tone for the next 12 months) I found myself sitting grumpily in an uncomfortable wooden chair,...

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17. 05. 2012

Spring – Paris

Spring has sprung in Paris, the sun is out, the blossoms are in bloom, women are sunbaking by the Seine and Dolly Tatin, the fair-weather vegetarian, has returned after a brief sojourn in the...

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