11. 11. 2013

The Attendant – London

If my life in France were a movie it would probably be called ‘Gone with the Wine’. My sister’s life in London is more like ‘Citizen Kale’.  My theme song would be ‘Rolling...

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20. 10. 2013

The Rum Kitchen – London

I am having a bad week. It all started on Monday when, on the way to have a quiet nightcap with the charming Brussel Crowe, I smashed my perfume bottle on the floor...

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05. 08. 2012

Tutto Wines Summer Dinner – London

Back in Paris after my recent stint in London, I was recounting my adventures to Brad Pitta: Paris Stilton – Chéri you should have sampled these divine pork buns at Eat Street…and you really...

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27. 07. 2012

Eat Street – London

Imagine; a (wallpapered) leafy street tucked away in an urban jungle, lined with quaint colourful caravans proffering an assortment of delicious deletable delights.  A magical land accessible only by a ladder at the...

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25. 07. 2012

L’Autre Pied – London

“Oh mon dieu ull we will eet is pooding…” moaned Brad Pitta, my Moroccan-French beau, on hearing that we were heading to London for a weekend to visit my mum and sister.  The  “everysing-eez-better-in-France”...

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11. 03. 2012

The Ledbury – London

Virginia Woolf once claimed that ‘one cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well’ and after a few sleepless night’s in old London town, I decided what I...

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05. 03. 2012

This Little Piggy Went to Market – London

I have arrived in London, the home of fish and chips, mushy peas, bubble and squeak…and my darling sister the health writing herbivore, lets call her Sienna Millet, who claims she gains a...

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