03. 10. 2014

Il Vino – Paris

I can safely say that my fondness for wine and cheese was inherited from my papa Bruce String-bean. Growing up, every Thursday night dad and his three besties would gather at our house...

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22. 07. 2014

Pirouette – Paris

I’ve made my fair share of embarrassing linguistic aberrations over the last two and a half years in Paris – I certainly learned the hard way that péter does not mean ‘to pat’, nor does...

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03. 02. 2014

David Toutain – Paris

Scandal has hit France, and no it is not the President’s wandering parliamentary member, but something much more cataclysmic. In an ongoing attempt to preserve the purity of the French language, the word...

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11. 11. 2013

The Attendant – London

If my life in France were a movie it would probably be called ‘Gone with the Wine’. My sister’s life in London is more like ‘Citizen Kale’.  My theme song would be ‘Rolling...

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20. 10. 2013

The Rum Kitchen – London

I am having a bad week. It all started on Monday when, on the way to have a quiet nightcap with the charming Brussel Crowe, I smashed my perfume bottle on the floor...

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02. 10. 2013

L’Éclair de Génie – Paris

Before I arrived in Paris I had an image of how I would look as I strutted around the City of Love; legs as long as those on a glass of vintage rouge,...

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24. 09. 2013

Café La Perle – Paris

Humans are, at heart, creatures of habit.  Even in a big, bustling city like Paris your day-to-day life quickly becomes fairly predictable (although mine is admittedly more “eat, (drink), pray, love” than “métro, boulot, dodo“). Take...

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05. 08. 2013

Glass – Paris

Dogs have always been cool in Paris (nothing says fashion quite like a french bully). Now, it appears, dogs are hot. Until recently, Le Mosaique in the Marais, the long-standing red and white tiled,...

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28. 05. 2013

Le Mary Celeste – Paris

Question: What was the name of the mysterious ‘ghost ship’ found in the Atlantic Ocean unmanned and under full sail heading towards the Strait of Gibraltar in 1872? Answer: The Mary Celeste.  I...

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